Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act of 2007

Date: Dec. 18, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

SUDAN ACCOUNTABILITY AND DIVESTMENT ACT OF 2007 -- (House of Representatives - December 18, 2007)


Mr. WOLF. I want to begin by thanking the chairman and the ranking member for bringing the bill up, and also to Congresswoman BARBARA LEE for the effort here. And hopefully this bill will be signed certainly before Christmas.

I think as we talk about the bill today, we should remember that genocide did take place, and in a certain respect continues to take place as we now stand here at this time.

Also, keep in mind, when talking about the Sudan Government, Osama bin Laden lived in Sudan from 1991 to 1996. And the same government that is there now invited Osama bin Laden to live there. And Carlos DeJackal and many other evil people have been in that country for a long period of time.

This bill, the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act, takes a very important step to pressure the Sudanese Government to halt the violent genocide, which continues in many respects. It authorizes State and local

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governments to divest assets in companies that conduct business in Sudan. It also prohibits the U.S. Government from contracting with companies which conduct business in Sudan. And there are many companies that are doing business. There are many foreign companies, some American companies, a lot of Chinese companies. So this is not set up to do something for something that may happen. There are companies today that are doing business and prospering there.

Many have asked how to be involved in stopping the genocide. One answer is to pass this bill. Targeted disinvestment is a powerful tool. It is important to understand that targeted disinvestment is the removal of investment money from companies that are directly or indirectly helping the Sudanese Government perpetuate genocide. There are Chinese companies that are actually helping; some have sold weapons, some have sold Hind helicopters, some have sold other equipment that is helping with regard to this.

Since the ultimate intent of Sudan disinvestment is to protect the victims of genocide, it is important to tailor the disinvestment to have the maximum impact on the Government of Sudan's behavior and minimal harm to innocent Sudanese. Such targeted disinvestment excludes companies involved in agriculture, production and distribution of consumer goods or activities intended to relieve human suffering.

Many States, and they should be applauded, including California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, New Jersey, and Oregon, have already moved to divest from companies doing business in Sudan. More States should act.

In closing, I want to again thank the Disinvestment Task Force. I would hope there would be a rollcall on this as a message so everyone knows. And again, I want to thank Congresswoman BARBARA LEE for her persistence and effort to bring this up and pass this.

Keep in mind, as you're voting today, and hopefully there will be, with the chairman, look up there. This will really send a message to the Sudan Government. And there is genocide taking place today as we now vote.

